Why Teachable Had Been So Popular Still in 2022? – Review

Teachable is an app that’s really easy to use, and it does a lot of the complicated things you have to do when developing a course. Plus, it incentivizes your viewers to actually finish your course by giving them a certificate of completion after they watch all the lectures! Learn more about this technology in this review.

This article will take you through what Teachable is, how it works, and whether or not it’s worth the time. It also gives you an overview of the features Teachable has to offer, what its limitations are, and what you can use it for. This article gives you an overview of Teachable. You’ll find out its price, what the technology offers, and whether or not it’s worth your time. The review will also show how the technology works and whether or not it’s worth your time. This article takes you through what Teachable is , how it works, and whether or not it’s worth the time. It also gives you an overview of the features Teachable has to offer, what its limitations are, and what you can use it for.

What is Teachable?

Teachable is a platform for creating and hosting your courses. They offer a free trial with no commitments, one-click installs with popular themes and custom designs. You can use their system to create a course in as little as 10 minutes.

Teachable is an online course creating and selling platform for educators. Founded by Ankur Nagpal in 2013, the company’s main office is in Long Island City, New York.

Teachable provides services such as creating courses and its landing pages. With over 100k teachers, Teachable provides the services for efficient and simple, which makes it able to create courses for you.

It also optimizes your courses to increase the conversion rate for customers, resulting in great business.

The platform offers a lot of customization, marketing, tracking, and reporting functionalities, to name a few.

With the usability for non-technical users in mind, Teachable offers a variety of quick launch options.
Teachable features a simple and intuitive interactive dashboard.

That allows for increased productivity while creating and sharing content. This is done because the focus remains on the content rather than navigating between components and sectors of the software.

Features of Teachable

Smooth and Transparent Interface

The Teachable platform spares you the hassle of editing, creating, and marketing courses one by one. Instead, it allows you to quickly create an online course that automatically generates a website for it.

As you can observe on the left side of their web page, all these features are available without navigating across separate tabs.

Teachable is an explanation-supported course creation tool that is appropriate for beginners. There are interactive courses published in the public domain. But you can also create resource management, teachers, students, affiliates, and coaches. You can also use email automation.

Portal Building

With Teachable, you can create beautiful website for your bundle course and provides assistance in creating a better user experience. With the help of Teachable, you’ll be able to make a domain, theme, customization, blog and conversion pages

Online Course

Teachable is a platform that allows you to build online courses with just a few clicks. Teachable provides SEO capabilities for each course to help you maximize your conversion rates.

Thanks to Teachable, creating your content is made easy through categorized lectures within sections. Let’s say I created a section titled “Introduction to Blogging” which will be comprised of lectures like “Basics of Blogging.” Courses can be conveyed in different formats such as PDFs, PPTs, textual, video and audio files. With quizzes built into the courses, the lectures are interactive and responsive to the student.

Course creators can integrate their own videos with Teachable by adding the developed code or link to the course. Beginner course creators beware! Connecting your video stream will be more difficult if you are not tech-savvy, but some guidelines can help you do it!


Teachable offers unique course creation, along with certification in teaching quality without even needing to set foot into the classroom in front of your students. Along with this, authors can handle one-on-one sessions with their students in scheduled or even spontaneous meetings. With course and coaching sessions exchange ongoing knowledge and expertise, the skills needed for success are at your fingertips.
Teachable offers integrations with other productivity-enhancing tools, such as Calendy and Zoom. With these integrations, you can customize your course creation or management to fit your needs.

Management and Marketing

One of the things we love about Teachable is the attention to detail and considerate process for creating landing pages, sales pages and checkout pages. This online course creator takes care in understanding customization and SEOs.

Teachable also offers various monetizing methods for the course creator such as hiring updates courses, discounts/coupons, and bundling up their courses.

Teaching a paid online course is an effective way of generating money and attracting new students. Out of all your options, such as lifetime purchase, monthly-recurring subscription-based plans, or only one-time purchase, the best option for increasing conversion rates is to use coupons and discounts. Another way to boost sales until you reach your goals is to bundle courses together with one transaction.

We now offer you the chance to bundle up to 5 courses or coaching products for a single price – a great way to drive sales and generate more money from your digital store.

Teachable, other than creating online courses also provides the tools to manage users, coaches, affiliates, and authors. It also tracks student progress to automate emails or messages for completion.


With the ability to integrate platforms, platforms are able to exchange data and services in return.
One Teachable integrations you may find helpful is the integration with payment system, email marketing, management, analytics, tracking, and scheduling. It can use many third-party integrations – even if it has its own payment options built in.

Teachable provides patrons with a variety of integrations. However, the most popular and effective integration that links to greater service is Zapier, which is also limited to 100 tasks a month. Teachable integrates with Sumo, Mailchimp, Segment and Video Heatmap to provide its patrons with marketing, email marketing, reporting and tracking as well as analytical services.


In all plans the following are included as per the company.

  • Unlimited video
  • Unlimited products
  • Unlimited hosting
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Student management
  • Lecture comments
  • Basic quizzes
  • No fees on free products
  • VAT (value-added tax) for EU


In conclusion, Teachable Course Review is a great tool for people who want to start a course and sell their knowledge. The platform can be used by anyone from freelancers to full-time teachers. The only downside about the website is that it has a monthly fee, so you will have to pay for it every month in order to keep your courses up.

Picture of Vipson Jain

Vipson Jain

The author of this blog has 25 years of expertise in Digital Marketing, Investment, Insurance, and Cost Accounting. They are registered as a Mutual Fund Distributor with AMFI and an Insurance Advisor with IRDA. Their extensive knowledge and experience make them a valuable resource for readers looking to improve their skills in these areas. Follow the author's blog for expert insights and advice.

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