How to create appealing Web-Stories in just 5 Mins


What are web-stories? Web-stories are short, shareable pieces of content that are easy to consume on the go. They’re perfect for social media, and they can be a great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. So, how do you make a web-story? In this post, we’ll give you some tips and tricks for creating engaging, shareable web-stories that will help you reach your audience.

What are Web-Stories?

Web-stories are short, usually less than five minutes, pieces of digital content that are easy to consume and share. Web-stories are designed for quick reads on the go and can be about any topic.

Web-stories are a new way to tell stories online. They’re bite-sized, easy to consume, and perfect for readers who are on the go. You can find web-stories on any topic, from current events to personal narratives.

If you’re looking for a new way to tell your story, or if you’re just curious about this new form of digital content, read on to learn more about web-stories.

Why create web-stories?

There are many reasons to create web-stories. As a business, you can use web-stories to promote your products or services, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website. You can also use web-stories to build relationships with customers and prospects, educate them about your industry or company, and get feedback about your products or services.

Different types of web-stories

There are many different ways to approach telling a story on the web. Here are some common approaches:

1. The traditional linear story: This is the most straightforward way to tell a story on the web. You start at the beginning and move through the story in a linear fashion, just as you would if you were reading a book or watching a movie.

2. The non-linear story: This type of story allows readers to choose their own path through the material. They can jump around from different parts of the story, depending on their interests or what they want to learn more about.

3. The branching story: This type of story is similar to a Choose Your Own Adventure book, where readers make choices that affect how the story unfolds. At various points in the story, they are presented with different options and must choose which path to take.

4. The multimedia story: This type of story uses a combination of text, images, audio, and video to create a richer experience for the reader. It can be used to bring characters and settings to life in new ways or to provide supplemental information that enhances understanding of the plot.

How to make a web-story

There are a few key elements that go into making a web-story. Firstly, you need to have a clear and concise story to tell. Secondly, you need to use engaging visuals and multimedia to bring your story to life. And finally, you need to make sure your story is easy to navigate and interact with.

Here are some tips on how to make each of these elements work together to create a killer web-story:

1. Write a great story

Your web-story starts with the written word. You need to have a strong narrative arc that will engage your readers from start to finish. Make sure your writing is clear, concise and compelling.

2. Use engaging visuals

Your web-story should be visually appealing and easy on the eyes. Use high quality images, videos and infographics to break up your text and add visual interest.

3. Make it easy to navigate

Your web-story should be easy for readers to follow along. Use clear headings, subheadings and hyperlinks to help readers move through your story seamlessly

Steps by step to make Web Stories.

  1. Install the plugin Web Stories thru Plugins->Add New

  2. Search there by writing “Web Stories”

  3. You will get Web Stories from Google , install it

    search plugin

  4. Configure Web Stories

    configure webstories

  5. Now it ready for Creating Web Stories.

  6. Draft a Story keeping tips and tricks given in this blog.

  7. Go to Stories->Add New


  8. Upload your images ot choose from images provided by the Google.

    web stories images

  9. You can also select Templates and customize it.

    web stories template

  10. After creating stories, select Document

    web stories document

  11. Provide there required information

  12. Press Publish

    web stories publish

  13. Check Permalink here, If you like to change here you can do it

  14. Choose Categories, if blank please add by writing here.

  15. Provide suitable Tags for your story from

  16. Then finally press Publish.

    web stories publish

For more in depth detail you can view my video. 

Tips and tricks for creating web-stories

Are you looking to add a little extra something to your website? If so, web-stories are a great way to do that! Here are some tips and tricks for creating web-stories that are sure to engage your visitors:

1. Keep it short and sweet. Web-stories should be concise and to the point. No one wants to read a long, drawn-out story – they just want the highlights.

2. Make it visually appealing. Use images, infographics, and videos to break up the text and make the story more engaging.

3. Use an interesting headline. The headline is what will draw people in, so make sure it’s something attention-grabbing.

4. Write in a clear, easy-to-understand style. Remember that not everyone is a native English speaker, so use simple language that can be understood by everyone.

5. Plan out your story before you start writing. This will help you stay on track and keep the story flowing smoothly.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating web-stories that are both informative and enjoyable for your readers!

Examples of successful web-stories

Some of the most popular web-stories are those that focus on a personal story or life event. These types of web-stories can be incredibly moving and engaging, and often go viral.

One recent example is “A Letter to My 16-Year-Old Self,” which was published on the website Love What Matters. The story tells the tale of a mother’s journey, and her advice to her younger self.

Another example is “The Most Important Thing,” which was published on the website Upworthy. This story follows a woman who shares what she learned from losing everything in a house fire.

These examples show that web-stories don’t have to be long or complicated to be effective. Sometimes, the simplest stories are the most powerful ones.


Web-stories are a fun and easy way to add some personality to your website. If you’re looking for a way to make your site stand out from the rest, web-stories are a great option. With just a few clicks, you can add photos, videos, and text to create a unique story that will engage your visitors. So what are you waiting for? Get started creating your own web-story today!

Picture of Vipson Jain

Vipson Jain

The author of this blog has 25 years of expertise in Digital Marketing, Investment, Insurance, and Cost Accounting. They are registered as a Mutual Fund Distributor with AMFI and an Insurance Advisor with IRDA. Their extensive knowledge and experience make them a valuable resource for readers looking to improve their skills in these areas. Follow the author's blog for expert insights and advice.

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